

4-Zone ESP panel with built in ventilation control

The SC-Z4-ESP-VCS is a 4 zone panel that integrates our award winning ESP technology to completely eliminate the need to install a bypass damper and pairs it with a timed & demand ventilation control. This 3H/2C zone panel comes with a static  pressure sensor. The system works like any standard zone control system with one exception; a static pressure sensor continuously monitors the system static pressure. If the static pressure goes above setpoint, the ESP panel will power the selected non-calling zone dampers open just enough to relieve the excess pressure. Tests indicate that bleeding a small amount of conditioned air for a short time into non-calling zones has little to no impact on the zone temperature.
The SC-Z4-ESP-VCS also includes the capability of controlling fresh air ventilation in the HVAC system, as well. The fresh air damper output can be controlled by zone panel’s internal timer, via demand from an external device like the SC-CO2-TH or both.
  • 4 zone universal panel with ESP capability
  • Cooling priority or majority wins
  • Optional night thermostat input
  • Staging by zone thermostats or adjustable built in upstage timer
  • Second stage capacity control option
  • Purge cycle option
  • Works with 2-wire or 3-wire dampers*
  • Live digital display of supply, return and outside air temperatures
  • Optional dehumidification via overcooling
  • Fresh air damper output based on time or demand
  • Adjustable high and low limits
  • Adjustable high and low balance points

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