
SC-Gas Detection

Gas Detection Products

Prices listed are for budget purposes only. 

Specified Controls is happy to provide the Gas Detection System or individual components in the following pages for any Gas Detection needs. The products herein are of the highest quality, most reliable and are simple to install and configure. When purchased as individual parts or a full system of components, Specified Controls will not serve as an Engineer Designer, no control drawings or wiring diagrams beyond the basic schematics with the components will be provided.
Specified Controls is also happy to provide customized for the job AutoCAD control drawings, schematics and technical support. This can be included in the pricing for the system if so desired. Additionally, Specified Controls has factory trained Gas Detection Commissioning Experts which can visit your jobsite and assure that the system is installed and functioning properly through commissioning of the Gas Detection System. This can also be included in the pricing for the system is so desired or required.
Whether your needs are parts and components or a full Gas Detection System with factory trained commissioning Specified Controls is here to provide the best value in Gas Detection. Contact your local Specified Controls Sales Representative to learn more about not only our Gas Detection products but also our HVAC zoning systems, VAV Diffusers, Thermostats and other control products.
Call 888-359-0365 or email us for all other Gas Detection needs.

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